
PyDSE is developed by currently one developer in his spare time out of pure interest in ARMA models. You are very welcome to join in this effort if you would like to contribute.

Bug Reports

If you experience bugs or in general issues with PyDSE, please file a bug report to our Bug Tracker.


If you would like to contribute to PyDSE, fork the main repository on GitHub, then submit a “pull request” (PR):

  1. Create an account on GitHub if you do not already have one.

  2. Fork the project repository: click on the Fork button near the top of the page. This creates a copy of the code under your account on the GitHub server.

  3. Clone this copy to your local disk:

    git clone
  4. Create a branch to hold your changes:

    git checkout -b my-feature

    and start making changes. Never work in the master branch!

  5. Work on this copy, on your computer, using Git to do the version control. When you’re done editing, do:

    git add modified_files
    git commit

    to record your changes in Git, then push them to GitHub with:

    git push -u origin my-feature
  6. Go to the web page of your PyDSE fork, and click “Create pull request” to send your changes to the maintainers for review. Find more detailed information here.