Source code for pydse.arma

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

All functionality related to ARMA models.

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import,\

import re
import logging
import operator
import itertools

import six
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy import linalg
from scipy import optimize
from six.moves import xrange

from . import utils
from . import stats
from .utils import UnicodeMixin

__author__ = "Florian Wilhelm"
__copyright__ = "Blue Yonder"
__license__ = "new BSD"

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ARMAError(Exception, UnicodeMixin): def __unicode__(self): return self.message
[docs]class ARMA(UnicodeMixin): """ A(L)y(t) = B(L)e(t) + C(L)u(t) - TREND(t) * L: Lag/Shift operator, * A: (axpxp) tensor to define auto-regression, * B: (bxpxp) tensor to define moving-average, * C: (cxpxm) tensor for external input, * e: (txp) matrix of unobserved disturbance (white noise), * y: (txp) matrix of observed output variables, * u: (mxt) matrix of input variables, * TREND: (txp) matrix like y or a p-dim vector. If B is net set, fall back to VAR, i.e. B(L) = I. """ def __init__(self, A, B=None, C=None, TREND=None, rand_state=None): self.A = np.asarray(A[0]).reshape(A[1], order='F') if B is not None: self.B = np.asarray(B[0]).reshape(B[1], order='F') else: # Set B(L) = I shape = A[1][1:] self.B = np.empty(shape=np.hstack(([1], shape))) self.B[0] = np.eye(*shape) if C is not None: self.C = np.asarray(C[0]).reshape(C[1], order='F') else: self.C = np.empty((0, 0, 0)) if TREND is not None: self.TREND = np.asarray(TREND) else: self.TREND = None self._check_consistency() self.Aconst = np.zeros(self.A.shape, dtype=np.bool) self.Bconst = np.zeros(self.B.shape, dtype=np.bool) self.Cconst = np.zeros(self.C.shape, dtype=np.bool) if rand_state is None: self.rand = np.random.RandomState() elif isinstance(rand_state, np.random.RandomState): self.rand = rand_state else: self.rand = np.random.RandomState(rand_state) def _get_num_non_consts(self): a = np.sum(~self.Aconst) b = np.sum(~self.Bconst) c = np.sum(~self.Cconst) return a, b, c @property def non_consts(self): """ Parameters of the ARMA model that are non-constant. :return: array """ a = self.A[~self.Aconst] b = self.B[~self.Bconst] c = self.C[~self.Cconst] return np.hstack([a, b, c]) @non_consts.setter def non_consts(self, values): """ Set the parameters of the ARMA model that are non-constant. :param values: array """ parts = np.cumsum(self._get_num_non_consts()) if values.size != parts[2]: raise ARMAError("Number of values does not equal number " "of non-constants") self.A[~self.Aconst] = values[:parts[0]] self.B[~self.Bconst] = values[parts[0]:parts[1]] self.C[~self.Cconst] = values[parts[1]:parts[2]] def _check_consistency(self): A, B, C, TREND = self.A, self.B, self.C, self.TREND if A is None: raise ARMAError("A needs to be set for an ARMA model") n = A.shape[1] if n != A.shape[2] or A.ndim > 3: raise ARMAError("A needs to be of shape (a, p, p)") if n != B.shape[1] or (n != B.shape[2] or B.ndim > 3): raise ARMAError("B needs to be of shape (b, p, p) with A being " "of shape (a, p, p)") if C.size != 0 and (n != C.shape[1] or C.ndim > 3): raise ARMAError("C needs to be of shape (c, p, m) with A being " "of shape (a, p, p)") if TREND is not None: if len(TREND.shape) > 2: raise ARMAError("TREND needs to of shape (t, p) with A being " "of shape (a, p, p)") elif len(TREND.shape) == 2 and n != TREND.shape[1]: raise ARMAError("TREND needs to of shape (t, p) with A being " "of shape (a, p, p)") elif len(TREND.shape) == 1 and n != TREND.shape[0]: raise ARMAError("TREND needs to of shape (t, p) with A being " "of shape (a, p, p)") def _get_noise(self, samples, p, lags): w0 = self.rand.normal(size=lags * p).reshape((lags, p)) w = self.rand.normal(size=samples * p).reshape((samples, p)) return w0, w def _prep_trend(self, dim_t, dim_p, t0=0): trend = self.TREND if trend is not None: if trend.ndim == 2: assert trend.shape[1] == dim_p if not trend.shape[0] >= t0+dim_t: raise ARMAError("TREND needs to be available until " "t={}".format(t0+dim_t-1)) trend = trend[t0:t0+dim_t, :] return trend else: return np.tile(trend, (dim_t, 1)) else: return np.zeros((dim_t, dim_p))
[docs] def simulate(self, y0=None, u0=None, u=None, sampleT=100, noise=None): """ Simulate an ARMA model. :param y0: lagged values of y prior to t=0 in reversed order :param u0: lagged values of u prior to t=0 in reversed order :param u: external input time series :param sampleT: length of the sample to simulate :param noise: tuple (w0, w) of a random noise time series. w0 are the lagged values of w prior to t=0 in reversed order. By default a normal distribution for the white noise is assumed. :return: simulated time series as array """ p = self.A.shape[1] a, b = self.A.shape[0], self.B.shape[0] c, m = self.C.shape[0], self.C.shape[2] y0 = utils.atleast_2d(y0) if y0 is not None else np.zeros((a, p)) u = utils.atleast_2d(u) if u0 is not None else np.zeros((c, m)) u0 = utils.atleast_2d(u0) if u0 is not None else np.zeros((c, m)) if noise is None: noise = self._get_noise(sampleT, p, b) w0, w = noise assert y0.shape[0] >= a assert w0.shape[0] >= b assert u0.shape[0] >= c # diagonalize with respect to matrix of A's leading coefficients A0inv = linalg.inv(self.A[0, :, :]) A = np.tensordot(self.A, A0inv, axes=1) B = np.tensordot(self.B, A0inv, axes=1) if c != 0: C = np.einsum('ijk,kl', self.C, A0inv) else: C = np.zeros((c, p, m)) # prepend start values to the series y = self._prep_trend(sampleT, p) y = np.vstack((y0[a::-1, ...], y)) w = np.vstack((w0[b::-1, ...], w)) u = np.vstack((u0[c::-1, ...], u)) # perform simulation by multiplying the lagged matrices to the vectors # and summing over the different lags for t in xrange(a, sampleT+a): y[t, :] -= np.einsum('ikj, ij', A[1:, ...], y[t-1:t-a:-1, :]) if b != 0: y[t, :] += np.einsum('ikj, ij', B, w[t-a+b:t-a:-1, :]) if c != 0: y[t, :] += np.einsum('ikj, ij', C, u[t-a+b:t-a:-1, :]) return y[a:]
[docs] def forecast(self, y, horizon=0, u=None): """ Calculate an one-step-ahead forecast. :param y: output time series :param horizon: number of predictions after y[T_max] :param u: external input time series :return: predicted time series as array """ p = self.A.shape[1] a, b = self.A.shape[0], self.B.shape[0] c, m = self.C.shape[0], self.C.shape[2] u = u if u is not None else np.zeros((c, m)) y = utils.atleast_2d(y) sampleT = y.shape[0] predictT = sampleT + horizon # diagonalize with respect to matrix of B's leading coefficients B0inv = linalg.inv(self.B[0, :, :]) A = np.tensordot(self.A, B0inv, axes=1) B = np.tensordot(self.B, B0inv, axes=1) if c != 0: C = np.einsum('ijk,kl', self.C, B0inv) else: C = np.zeros((c, p, m)) # calculate directly the residual ... res =, p)[:sampleT, ...], B0inv) # and perform prediction for t in xrange(sampleT): la, lb, lc = min(a-1, t), min(b-1, t), min(c-1, t) ba, bb, bc = max(0, t-la), max(0, t-lb), max(0, t-lc) res[t, :] += np.einsum('ikj,ij', A[la::-1, ...], y[ba:t+1, :]) if b != 0: res[t, :] -= np.einsum('ikj,ij', B[lb:0:-1, ...], res[bb:t, :]) if c != 0: res[t, :] -= np.einsum('ikj,ij', C[lc::-1, ...], u[bc:t+1, :]) pred = np.zeros((predictT, p)) pred[:sampleT, :] = y[:sampleT, :] -, B[0, :, :]) if predictT > sampleT: A0inv = linalg.inv(self.A[0, :, :]) A = np.tensordot(self.A, A0inv, axes=1) B = np.tensordot(self.B, A0inv, axes=1) if c != 0: C = np.einsum('ijk,kl', self.C, A0inv) else: C = np.zeros((c, p, m)) pred[sampleT:, :] =, p, sampleT), A0inv) # perform prediction for horizon period for t in xrange(sampleT, predictT): for l in xrange(1, a): if t - l < sampleT: pred[t, :] -=[l, :, :], y[t - l, :]) else: pred[t, :] -=[l, :, :], pred[t - l, :]) for l in xrange(b): if t - l < sampleT: pred[t, :] +=[l, :, :], res[t - l, :]) for l in xrange(c): pred[t, :] +=[l, :, :], u[t - l, :]) return pred
[docs] def fix_constants(self, fuzz=1e-5, prec=1): """ Fix some coefficients as constants depending on their value. Coefficient with a absolute difference of ``fuzz`` to a value of precision ``prec`` are considered constants. For example: * 1.1 is constant since abs(1.1 - round(1.1, prec)) < fuzz * 0.01 is non constant since abs(0.01 - round(0.01, prec)) > fuzz """ @np.vectorize def is_const(x): return abs(x - round(x, prec)) < fuzz def set_const(M, Mconst): M_mask = is_const(M) Mconst[M_mask] = True Mconst[~M_mask] = False set_const(self.A, self.Aconst) set_const(self.B, self.Bconst) if self.C.size != 0: set_const(self.C, self.Cconst)
[docs] def est_params(self, y): """ Maximum likelihood estimation of the ARMA model's coefficients. :param y: output series :return: optimization result (:obj:`~scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`) """ y = utils.atleast_2d(y) def cost_function(x): self.non_consts = x pred = self.forecast(y=y) return stats.negloglike(pred, y) x0 = self.non_consts return optimize.minimize(cost_function, x0)
def _lag_matrix_to_str(self, matrix): # creates a string from a lag array def join_with_lag(arr): poly = str(arr[0]) for i, val in enumerate(arr[1:], start=1): if val != 0.: poly += '{:+.3}L{}'.format(val, i) return poly res_str = '' _, j_max, k_max = matrix.shape mat_str = np.empty((j_max, k_max), dtype=object) for j, k in itertools.product(xrange(j_max), xrange(k_max)): mat_str[j, k] = join_with_lag(matrix[:, j, k]) # determine width for each column and set columns to that width col_widths = [max(map(len, mat_str[:, k])) for k in xrange(k_max)] for k in xrange(k_max): fmt = np.vectorize(lambda x: '{:<{}}'.format(x, col_widths[k])) mat_str[:, k] = fmt(mat_str[:, k]) for j in xrange(j_max): res_str += ' '.join(mat_str[j, :]) + '\n' return res_str def __unicode__(self): desc = '' TREND = self.TREND if TREND is not None: desc += 'TREND=\n' if TREND.ndim == 1: TREND = TREND[np.newaxis, :] arr_str = np.array_str(np.transpose(TREND)) + '\n'*2 arr_str = re.sub(r' *\[+', '', arr_str) arr_str = re.sub(r' *\]+', '', arr_str) desc += arr_str for mat_name in ('A', 'B', 'C'): matrix = getattr(self, mat_name) if matrix.shape[0] != 0: desc += '{}(L) =\n'.format(mat_name) desc += self._lag_matrix_to_str(matrix) + '\n' return desc
[docs] def plot_forecast(self, all_y, horizon=0, u=None): """ Calculate an one-step-ahead forecast and plot prediction and truth. :param y: output time series :param horizon: number of predictions after y[T_max] :param u: external input time series :return: predicted time series as array """ def get_lags_idx(arr): # First entry is always 1 and not part of the used lags return [str(i) for i, v in enumerate(arr.flatten()) if v != 0][1:] if horizon > 0: y = all_y[:-horizon] df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Future': all_y[horizon:], 'Known Truth': y }) else: y = all_y df = pd.DataFrame({'Truth': all_y}) prediction = self.forecast(y, horizon, u) df['Prediction'] = prediction[:, 0] MAD = np.mean(np.abs(prediction[:, 0] - all_y)[20:]) df.plot(title="AR lags: {}; MA lags: {}; MAD: {}".format( ", ".join(get_lags_idx(self.A)), ", ".join(get_lags_idx(self.B)), MAD)) return prediction
[docs]def minic(ar_lags, ma_lags, y, crit='BIC'): """ Minimum information criterion method to fit ARMA. Use the Akaike information criterion (AIC) or Bayesian information criterion (BIC) to determine the most promising AR and MA lags for an ARMA model. This method only works for scalar time series, i.e. dim(y[0]) = 1. :param ar_lags: list of AR lags to consider :param ma_lags: list of MA lags to consider :param y: target vector or scalar time series :param crit: information criterion ('BIC' or 'AIC') :return: tuple of AR lags and MA lags """ assert y.ndim == 1 all_ar_lags = list(utils.powerset(sorted(ar_lags))) all_ma_lags = list(utils.powerset(sorted(ma_lags))) lags = itertools.product(all_ar_lags, all_ma_lags) next(lags) # drop case with no AR and MA lags metric = dict() # metric for ar_lags, ma_lags in lags: arma = ARMA(A=utils.make_lag_arr(ar_lags), B=utils.make_lag_arr(ma_lags)) arma.fix_constants() ret_val = arma.est_params(y) if ret_val['success']: k = len(ar_lags) + len(ma_lags) nloglike = ret_val['fun'] if crit == 'BIC': metric[(ar_lags, ma_lags)] = stats.bic(nloglike, k, len(y)) elif crit == 'AIC': metric[(ar_lags, ma_lags)] = stats.aic(nloglike, k) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown method") else: metric[(ar_lags, ma_lags)] = np.inf return min(six.iteritems(metric), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]